New publication: Tolerance and Diversity in Ireland North and South

Iseult Honohan

SPIRe’s Dr. Iseult Honohan has just had an edited volume published in collaboration with Dr. Nathalie Rougier in the Manchester University Press. Details about the project are below and the book can be purchased here.

This book examines the treatment of cultural and religious diversity – indigenous and immigrant – on both sides of the Irish border in order to analyse the current state of tolerance and to consider the kinds of policies that may support integration while respecting diversity. The first two sections focus on the spheres of education, civic life and politics, including chapters on specific groups (e.g. travellers and immigrants), as well as on the communal divisions in Northern Ireland. Later chapters reflect on the Irish experience of diversity, and consider what may be the most appropriate approaches and discourses to deal with diversity, whether these involve tolerance, recognition or transformative reconciliation. 


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