Constitutions and Culture Wars: Northern Ireland, the Irish State and the North-South Dimension

Constitutions and Culture Wars: Northern Ireland, the Irish State and the North-South Dimension
John Hume Institute for Global Irish Studies, UCD
Monday, 16 June 2014

Speakers: John Coakley, Yvonne Galligan, John Garry, Melanie Hoewer, Brendan O’Leary, Joseph Ruane, Jennifer Todd, Jon Tonge

Sixteen years after the Good Friday Agreement, and after a period of stabilisation of the institutions and completion of implementation, we appear to be re-entering a phase of instability and uncertainty. There has been much discussion of the British role in Northern Ireland and the increasingly positive East-West linkages, in the context of uncertain Scottish and EU relations. This conference focuses on a less-studied aspect of the situation: the North-South linkages and their impact on changing popular politics in NOrthern Ireland. It marks the retirement of Professor John Coakley, founding director of IBIS, and follows up on some of his important work on the institutional aspects of these linkages.

The conference looks at the North-South relationship in three aspects:

Public opinion: the continuing salience of the South in the North?
Changing public opinion in Northern Ireland and the role of veto players.
Speakers include John Garry and Jon Tonge.

Institutional linkages and networks
Gendered linkages, harmonisation of rights and the impact of gender politics on a North-South basis.
Speakers include Yvonne Galligan and Melanie Hoewer

Constitutional and cultural divisions: contextualising the current conjecture
Speakers include John Coakley, Brendan O’Leary and Joseph Ruane/Jennifer Todd

The conference ends with a roundtable discussion on ‘the past’ and the purposes of commemoration

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