The week three seminar event will be a conference put on by SPIRe’s Institute for British-Irish Studies (IBIS) themed “HIDDEN HISTORIES: REVISITING THE SPIRIT OF 1913” with details below. Please note the RSVP.
Limited Space Available
Session 1: Setting the Context
Chair: Paul Gillespie
Myrtle Hill: What did Women Want? Female Activism in a Decade of Disruption
Paddy Smyth: The impossible Mr Larkin
John Cunningham: ‘The workers are getting an insolent manner of late’: Labour in the West, c 1913
Peter Collins: The Dublin Lockout – The View from the North
Coffee Break
‘Living the Lockout’ performed by Laura Murray
Session Two: Positions and Personas
Chair: Bronagh Hinds
Mary Muldowney: Lockout 1913: Public Events, Private Lives
Margaret Ward: Militant militants: Hanna and Frank Sheehy Skeffington and the Cause of Women and the Cause of Labour
Angelina Cox: Rosie Hackett: The Rediscovery of a Forgotten History
Felix Larkin: Hidden Lives of William Martin Murphy
Lunch and Tour of Little Museum
Session Three: Reflections on Commemoration
Chair: John Coakley
Keynote Speaker: Joan Burton, TD – Minister for Social Protection
Padraig Yeates: Commemorating Whose Past – And for What?
Jack O’Connor: Reflections on the Contemporary Context
Theresa Moriarty: Fighting Forgetting
Closing Remarks
IBIS is grateful to the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade for the funding of this conference
Joan Burton was appointed Minister for Social Protection in March 2011. She was the first TD to be re-elected in the general election after topping the poll in Dublin West.
She is Deputy Leader of the Labour Party and former Finance spokesman for the party.
She was first elected to the Dáil in 1992. In the 1992-97 Government she was Minister of State for Development Cooperation and Overseas Aid (‘94 to ’97). As Minister of State in Foreign Affairs, she initiated a dramatic expansion of Ireland’s Aid Programme in Africa. As Minister of State in Social Welfare (’92 to ’94) she initiated a series of Welfare to Work and Education initiatives for lone parents and families on Social Welfare.
Joan Burton is a chartered accountant by profession. She trained and worked with PriceWaterhouse in Dublin prior to becoming a Senior Lecturer in the Dublin Institute of Technology.
Dr Peter Collins is Senior Lecturer in history at St Mary’s University College, Belfast. His doctoral thesis was on the Belfast Trades Council 1881-1921. Among his publications are Who fears to speak of ’98 and Nationalism and Unionism.
Angelina Cox is a final year student in Trinity College Dublin, studying law and political science. In October 2012 she initiated the successful campaign to name the new Liffey Bridge in memory of Rosie Hackett.
John Cunningham is a Lecturer in History at NUI Galway, where he teaches courses on labour history, on local history and on modern Ireland. He is joint editor of Saothar: journal of the Irish Labour History Society. His publications include a history of the ASTI, a social history of nineteenth century Galway, and Labour in the west of Ireland, 1890-1914.
Myrtle Hill is a former Director of the Centre for Women’s Studies at Queen’s University Belfast and researches and writes on Irish social, religious and women’s history. Publications include a history of Women in Twentieth-Century Ireland, book chapters and journal articles on the Irish Suffrage movement, 19th century female missionaries and Disability and Conflict. She has recently carried out research on Adult Access to Higher Education and is active in the wider women’s and community relations sectors in the north of Ireland.
Felix M. Larkin is chairman of the Newspaper and Periodical History Forum of Ireland. A retired public servant, he now works as a historian and freelance writer. He has published extensively on the press in late 19th and early 20th century Ireland. Lawyers, the law and history, a volume of essays which he co-edited (with Professor Norma Dawson, of QUB) for the Irish Legal History Society, was published this summer.
Theresa Moriarty is an independent researcher. Among her publications are biographical studies of Mary Galway, Delia Larkin; trade unionism in the first world war and Who will look after the kiddies? Household strategies and collective action during the Dublin lockout 1913.
Dr. Mary Muldowney is currently engaged (with Dr. Ida Milne) in an oral history project about the legacy of the 1913 Dublin Lockout. She is a Visiting Research Fellow with the Centre for Contemporary History in Trinity College Dublin and is one of the founder members of the Oral History Network of Ireland. She is also the author of two books: ‘The Second World War and Irish Women’ and ‘Trinity and Its Neighbours: An Oral History’ as well as journal articles and a range of other publications. Her current research includes the history of workers in the Irish railway industry, particularly women and an oral history of the pro-choice movement in Ireland. She is a member of the Heritage Council’s National Consultative Panel for Cultural Heritage and Global Change: a new challenge for Europe. Mary is also an adult education consultant for several trade unions and a faculty member with Student International Training in Ireland.
Laura Murray is currently performing as Mary in the Dublin Tenement Experience: Living the Lockout. Previous work with ANU includes: Laundry (Dublin Theatre Festival 2011), winner of the Best Production Award, Irish Times, Irish Theatre Awards and The Boys of Foley Street (Dublin Theatre Festival 2012), winner Best Theatrical Production of the Year Award 2012.
Jack O’Connor has been General President of SIPTU since 2003, having been re-elected in 2006 for a second term and in 2011 for a third term.
He was also President of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU) from July 2009 until July 2011 and served previously as Vice President from mid-2007. He has been a member of the Executive Council of Congress since 2001. Born in 1957, O’Connor is a native of North County Dublin. Employed in the agriculture, construction and local authority sectors, he was a trade union activist before becoming a full-time Branch Secretary of the former Federated Workers’ Union of Ireland in 1980. On the formation of SIPTU in January 1990, he was appointed Regional Secretary in the Midlands and in 1997 he took on the additional responsibility for the Union’s South-East Region. In contrast to his earlier trade union experience, the workers he represented during this phase of his union involvement were predominantly employed in the private sector. He was elected as SIPTU’s Vice President in 2000.
Paddy Smyth is the Irish Times Foreign Policy Editor, and Editor of its ‘Century’ series of supplements on the Decade of Revolution including the recent Locked Out. He is a former Washington and Europe correspondent.
Dr Margaret Ward is the Director of the Women’s Resource and Development Agency, a regional organization for women based in Belfast. She is also a feminist historian. Her publications include Unmanageable Revolutionaries: Women and Irish nationalism, published in 1983, the first major study of Irish nationalist women; biographies of Maud Gonne and Hanna Sheehy Skeffington and (with Louise Ryan) Irish Women and nationalism: soldiers, new women and wicked hags and Irish Women and the Vote: Becoming Citizens.
Padraig Yeates is a journalist and author, whose books include Lockout: Dublin 1913, A City in Wartime: Dublin 1914-1918 and A City in Turmoil: Dublin 1919-1921.
Professor John Coakley is a professor in the School of Politics and International Relations at University College Dublin. He is also the founding director and research director of IBIS. He has edited or co-edited: Changing shades of orange and green: redefining the union and the nation in contemporary Ireland (UCD Press, 2002); The territorial management of ethnic conflict (2nd ed., Frank Cass, 2003); From political violence to negotiated settlement: the winding path to peace in twentieth century Ireland (UCD Press, 2004); Politics in the Republic of Ireland (4th ed., Routledge, 2004); and Crossing the Border, New relationships between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland (Irish Academic Press, 2007).
Dr Paul Gillespie is a journalist, academic and author. As a columnist and leader writer for The Irish Times and a researcher he has a special interest in European politics and political identities, British-Irish relations, comparative regionalism, EuroMed affairs and Europe-Asian relations. He is a senior research fellow adjunct at University College Dublin’s School of Politics and International Relations. He edited Britain’s European Question, The Issues for Ireland (Dublin 1996) and Blair’s Britain, England’s Europe (Dublin 2000).
Bronagh Hinds is the Chairperson of IBIS and a Senior Associate with DemocraShe. She is an Honorary Senior Research Practitioner in Queen’s University School of Law, a member of the Gender Advisory Panel of the Office of the First and deputy First Minister and on the Board of the Glencree Centre for Peace and Reconciliation. Bronagh co-founded the Women’s Coalition and was in the negotiations for the Belfast/Good Friday Agreement. During her career she has been a Senior Fellow in the Institute of Governance at Queen’s and a director of several NGOs. A former Deputy Chief Commissioner of the Equality Commission for Northern Ireland, she also served as a Commissioner in the local government sector and as the Northern Ireland Commissioner for the UK Women’s National Commission. Bronagh was awarded UK Woman of Europe in 1998 and the International Women’s Democracy Centre Global Democracy Award in 2002.