SPIRe Seminar Week 2: “Networked Cities and Global Governance: The role of Cities in addressing today’s Global Challenges”

SPIRe’s week two seminar will feature SPIRe Visiting Researcher Nikita Chiu of the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva presenting her research on “Networked Cities and Global Governance: The role of Cities in addressing today’s Global Challenges.” from 13:00-14:00 Thursday, September 26th  in G317 Newman Building, UCD Belfield.  All are welcome.


Today’s global challenges like poverty reduction, climate change
and disarmament transcend national borders. The scale and impact
of these problems not only trouble national governments, but also
directly affect populations at the local level, especially those in
urban settings. Seeing that over half of today’s population resides in
cities, this research aims at examining concerted attempts of cities
and local governments in resolving global challenges in major issuedomains. Conceptualizing city-to-city co-operations in a networked
format, the project focuses on providing a typology of an exploding
number of city-networks that emerged in recent years. By displaying
regular patterns of network characteristics, the project seeks to
systematically comprehend the potentials and limits of engaging
cities into global governance effort in complement to, or in absence
of, existing state-centric governance instruments.

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